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We help businesses improve their performance through innovation in products, services, and strategy.

  • Free Consultation

    Book a free 30 minute session with Hande to review your Business need and explore how we can partner with transforming your dream to reality
    Valid for one month
    • Background
    • Problem description
    • Goals and Objectives
    • Timeframe
  • Best Value

    Digital Marketing Solution

    +$300 Admin & Setup Fee
    The world now lives online. Be digitally visible
    Valid for one month
    • Once off goal setting meeting outlining brand identity
    • Logo design
    • Website Design
    • Domain Registration
    • Professional E-mail Setup
    • Business cards
    • Business Brochure
    • Promotional Flier
    • Social Media Channel Setup (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook)
    • Online payments setup
  • Data Solution

    Every month
    Unlock the full potential of your data with our comprehensive Data Solutions Services. We help you manage, analyze& leverage your data to drive informed decisions, specializing in Domo and Tableau
    Valid for 3 months
    • 1 Monthly goal setting meeting
    • 1 Weekly Session (Update, Review, Reflection)
    • Phone support
    • Priority support
    • Maximum 4 deliverables per month
  • Logo Design

    Valid for one month
    • Flier Design

      Valid for 10 days
      • Website Design

        +$220 Admin & Setup Fee
        Valid for one month
        • Social Media Management

          Every month
          We're committed to designing high-quality, visually appealing content that resonates with your audience. From content creation & scheduling, we aim to meet your unique social media business goals.
          Valid for 3 months
          • Facebook Posts x 12
          • Instagram Posts x 12
          • LinkedIn Posts x 12
          • Blog Posts x 12
        • New Business Value Pack

          Every month
          +$300 Admin & Setup Fee
          Valid for 3 months
          • Digital Marketing Setup (Logo, Website, Business cards
          • Social Media Management (Blog, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
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